Some techniques for working with the component cxGrid, collected from various sources and helpful to me personally.
Outward appearance
SOFTWARE coloring of cells can be done in the events OnCustomDrawCell
if (AViewInfo.GridRecord.Values[TableViewColumn1.Index])=1 then begin ACanvas.Brush.Color := clRed; ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; end;
If you want to paint only the individual speakers (instead of the entire line), then paint the column handler OnCustomDrawCell can be defined as:
if TableView.Columns[AViewInfo.Item.Index].DataBinding.FieldName='COLUMN_1' then
The only thing you need to consider that this coloring is not displayed when exported to Excel. You need to paint solely assigning predetermined “style” type handlers “TableViewStylesGet***Style”:
procedure TMoneyMoveDetailForm.TableViewStylesGetContentStyle( Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord; AItem: TcxCustomGridTableItem; out AStyle: TcxStyle); begin if (ARecord.Values[TableViewID_MONEY.Index])=null then begin AStyle :=cxStyleBold; end; end;
Coloring different grouping levels in different colors
procedure TPozSkladForm.TableViewStylesGetGroupStyle( Sender: TcxGridTableView; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord; ALevel: Integer; out AStyle: TcxStyle); begin if ALevel=0 then AStyle := cxStyleL0; // $00A0A0A0 if ALevel=1 then AStyle := cxStyleL1; // clSilver if ALevel=2 then AStyle := cxStyleL2; // $00E0E0E0 end;
The lack of coloring through the styles (Style) in that the cursor overlaps the coloring. This can be bypassed if in the TableViewCustomDrawCell handler make the selection of the line itself (for CellSelect = True):
if AViewInfo.GridRecord.Selected then begin if AViewInfo.Selected then begin // under the inverse cursor, make the white font ACanvas.Font.Color := clWhite; end else begin // The rest of the line will be highlighted in blue font so as not to overwrite the background ACanvas.Font.Color := clBlue; ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; end; end;
Display data (filters, grouping, sorting)
In TcxGrid group GroupByBox hide and clean the area on a grid in which it is written “drag a column header here to group by ..”
TableView.OptionsView.GroupByBox := false;
Programmatically set the Filter:
GridDBTableView1.DataController.Filter.Root.Clear; GridDBTableView1.DataController.Filter.Root.AddItem(GridDBTableView1.Columns[0], cxFilter.foLike,nomzak+"%",nomzak+"%"); GridDBTableView1.DataController.Filter.Active:=true;
Expand and collapse groups in runtime
TableView.DataController.Groups.FullCollapse; TableView.DataController.Groups.FullExpand; TableView.DataController.Options := TableView.DataController.Options + [dcoGroupsAlwaysExpanded]; // fix expand state
Access to data and metadata Grid
run in a loop through all the visible lines:
for I:=0 to cxGrid.DataController.FilteredRecordCount - 1 do begin cxGrid.DataController.Values[cxGrid.DataController.FilteredRecordIndex[i],YourColumnName.Index])
Loop through all selected lines to give each identifier
for i := 0 to GridView1.Controller.SelectedRecordCount-1 do begin ID_RASHODD := GridView1.DataController.Values[GridView1.Controller.SelectedRecords[i].RecordIndex, GridView1ID_RASHODD.Index]; end;
Get column grid on its behalf
Edit user data
Organization list ComboBox to the cell:
Properties set in the ComboBox, fill in the list of events AfterScroll dataset, if it try to do in onInitPopUp the list of previous falls (?). How to fill in:
TcxComboBoxProperties(NTableViewKMPNAME.Properties).Items.Clear; while not LookupQuery.Eof do begin TcxComboBoxProperties(NTableViewKMPNAME.Properties).Items.Add(LookupQuery['NM_NAME']); LookupQuery.Next; end;
User selection is verified and used in the method OnValidate
Editing numbers in the grid
In the Properties view and set CalcEdit handler OnEditValueChanged yuzaem (Sender as TcxCalcEdit) .Value and the current situation in the dataset
To catch right click on a particular column:
in the event OnCellClick:
if ACellViewInfo.Item.Name='DzTableViewNRM_NAME' then if AButton=mbRight then
Processing mark the check-box in the cell. In the event OnChange:
if (Sender as TcxCheckBox).Checked then
Changing tables in runtime
Adding columns in runtime:
var XCol : TcxGridDBBandedColumn; begin XCol := TableView.CreateColumn; XCol.Position.BandIndex := 1; XCol.DataBinding.FieldName:='quant'+sl[i]; XCol.DataBinding.ValueType := 'Float'; XCol.Caption := ss[i]; XCol.Width := 50; XCol.Tag := StrToInt(sl[i]); XCol.Summary.FooterKind := skSum; XCol.Summary.GroupFooterKind := skSum; XCol.Summary.GroupKind := skSum; XCol.Summary.FooterFormat := '0.##'; XCol.Summary.GroupFooterFormat := '0.##'; XCol.Summary.GroupFormat := '0.##';
Removing column runtime:
Adding gang (bands):
b0 := TableView.Bands.Add; b0.Position.BandIndex := b.Index;